Passionate about things

Hey there!

How are you doing dealing with your life? Like a pro? Or do you need counselling? (if you need counselling, remember: the best counselling is offered by yourself, but you can borrow some tips!)

we all are so busy and occupied all the time, from a school-going kid to an adult who is working. we are completely engrossed in our works, even if we are completely unwilling to do it. where is the supposedly "you-time"? Don't say that you are working over-time and have no time to spend for "such things". How is it possible that you don't have time for your passion? Believe me, if you are serious about your passion, you will surely have time for it.

Your passion is what defines you as a human, as a person. Your passion can be anything; writing, reading, drawing, singing and sometimes even talking with yourself. But make sure you DEVOTE time, at least 10 minutes. 

I speak to myself as well. whenever I am free, I take a paragraph from a book and try explaining and speaking about it to myself. That's how I fulfil my "Passion-time". How do you do it? Do share it to me on my E-mail id !

 Take an example; You love reading, but have no time to do so. You can try to wind up things faster and before you go to sleep, you can spend 10 minutes or 20 on reading the book of your choice! 

You also needn't plan when your "passion-time"  will be particularly. You don't need to sit at a place, with a definite set-up, to do your hobby. It can be anywhere, anytime. That's where the beauty lies. You love singing? While you cook or work, start singing! You love to dance? while you roam around the house, start dancing at any beat or without a beat! You love to draw? start off with drawing designs on any available medium!

where there is will, there is a way. where there is true passion, there is your time, there is your medium.


This topic is a simple one right? But the meaning is deep. Try it out if you are not doing it now, and you will feel a difference!

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