Setting the mood for a perfect day.

Hey there!

I hope you all are doing well. 

So how did you wake up this morning? Agitated? Calm? Happy? 
The mood that you are in when you wake up sets the tone for the entire day to go. Have you ever experienced this time when you get angry in the morning and the whole day goes bad? The mind is continuously thinking about the events of the day and keeps that moment, that emotion, repeating like a movie in a theatre. So how do you fix it?

Mornings are one of the best times, let's say the best of all times, of a day. But the problem people face, including me, is enjoying it, to absorb that moment. When you wake up, smile. Don't make a disgusting  face and let that laziness take over you. Smile and think of this day as opportunity to fix and make your life a happier one.

Let me give you an example. You wake up every morning. Go to a mirror and give yourself a beautiful, care-free grin. Open your blinds and let that sunshine through. Make yourself a green tea. Greet your family. Read a quote. Then get started with your day.

Okay, I can admit one thing; the above example MAY SEEM impractical at first. Try sticking to it. Set this positive vibe in your day. Observe yourself. See how calm you feel now. Others see a change in you too. 

  • Don't get into fights in the start of the day.
     (especially not physical ones 😛)

  •  Don't feel disgusted seeing something; just sigh and forget it there.

  •  Read a quote that rejuvenates optimistic thoughts; prevent  quotes on sadder or darker tones. 

That's all for now!
I'll catch up with a new post!
@Mental Fit.

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