The Mental fit!

 Hey there,

This is my first blog! I am as excited as you are. I believe in the importance of  mental peace, because only then can we achieve what we want to. Unnecessarily stressing your mind over small things leads to only one thing- Can you guess it? Its lack of peace, right! 

2020 Is a pretty cursed year, at least till now. Are you sick of staying at home and losing your freedom, getting stressed of the so many so called "works"? there is only one solution to such things- Give it all up. you read that right! You need to give up everything at the end of the day, be it works you need to finish, or projects you need to complete. give up the thoughts and the arguments  you have accumulated in your brain throughout the day. Give up all the thoughts you are thinking when you go to bed. And if the thoughts are still bugging you, all you need to do is say a few words to yourself-" its okay if I forget about it. I can sort it out tomorrow, I am capable of doing it again."

Convince yourself that you can always come back to it. It's like a 'self- reassurance' you are doing, which is totally FINE!

Some other tips can be- 

1. Create a proper sleep environment- this is NOT about the bedroom you sleep in. The sleep environment here is the state of your mind while sleeping. When the mind is calm, without stress, you can sleep peacefully (though you may not be tired). How to achieve that? Just as the above mantra- Give it up.

See the source image

2. Practice yoga- Yay, you must have predicted that this would fall in here. You already must be knowing about this, but let me tell about this anyways 😜😜 . Yoga is the easiest way to achieve mental peace. The reason? well, If you watched the film 'Doctor Strange', there is a sort of energy that flows through the sorcerers' body, from which they harness magic. You will say there is'nt magic, but there is something called "vibes". Yoga too increases the amount of positive energy flowing through your body. It gives aid to your body, as you concentrate    hard to do it.  

3. Follow your passion- Devote at least some time to the things you love. Twenty minutes will also do! When you do the things you feel like doing, apart from work, Your mind feels relaxed(a bit of biology but a fact- a hormone dopamine is released when you are happy). You feel as if a load has been taken off, though there are works to do.

See the source image

If you tick mark all the three things in the above checklist, I am sure that you will feel better than ever and you will be mentally fit!

So, get to work! Try to keep up with things you love! do not forget to recommend this article to those in need and people you know!

Do leave your comments as well! I will get back to you soon with another interesting article, More on "The Mental fit!".

Till then, you can read-

Being passionate about things!

10 easy ways to increase productivity!


  1. What you said Divya....its correct. I loved your Article. I do all the 3 things that you have mentioned
    I always sleep peacefully, do yoga and skipping exercise and I always Follow my Passion.

  2. Good one Divya. Thanks for sharing thoughts and tips to stay mentally fit

  3. Dear Divya,
    Well written..
    All important points for healthy life

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wonderful article Divya. Short and crisp. Keep writing sweetie 😍

  6. Proud of u divya for Ur passion in presenting ur thoughts through this blog to us.Writers who ll imagine beyond limits shouldn't be silent.keep continue. God bless u child.

  7. Very good Divya. Wonderful article. Keep posting and GOD bless you dear.

  8. You are an exceptional talent Divya, Keep the good going. Such a nice article which really relieves us while reading itself. We start adopting these steps to fight against our greatest enemy "Stress".

    1. I am so glad that this article will help you! thanks a lot!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Nice article on Being Mentally Fit Well presented.

  11. Good words divya
    These words r very useful in these pandemic situations
    Really great

    1. I feel glad that this will help! Thanks for your comment!

  12. Wow....very well said...keep going

  13. Well said dvd!
    Good one !!

    Keep it up
    Always be competitive with me πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

  14. That is great that you loved it! You don't easily get convinced, so this is an accomplishment😁!

  15. Nice one Divya. Really liked your blog, keep it up!πŸ‘

  16. Hey divya wonderfully written πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

  17. Heyy that's a good one divya...and seriusly many of them (dat includes me )are in need of this mental fitness right now, so perfect article at a good timing. πŸ‘


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